StreetJelly BLOG: Community News, Video Streaming, Online Busking, and more…

Landon With a Cold

Special guest blog by Clifton Printy

sick woman singerLandon With a Cold

As fall descends on StreetJelly I am reminded of the now infamous article about the legendary Frank Sinatra. “Frank Sinatra Has a Cold” in Esquire Magazine April, 1966 written by Gay Talese. It’s not really the article I am citing though, just that wonderful title.

The incomparable Random Landon was playing live via our StreetJelly internet stream with the rattley scratchy throat of a man with a serious sinus infection. It is an addiction, a compulsive narcissistic driven desire to play that one song that will get the listener off the couch and clicking clappies in the chat.

I, too, have played the StreetJelly show with a hoarse and raw throat, and have even witnessed the newest “Big Deal” pin awardee singing show tunes on the edge of laryngitis. Oh to reminisce into the days of last December as “bumS_lie” coughs out a few songs to keep his one hundred midnight show streak alive.

If Picasso had no paint, or Samuel Langhorne Clemens had no pen, would they still perform? I think so. They, being driven by that desire to reach out and touch someone else, ever so briefly, would be compelled to paint with eggs. Perhaps even write with charcoal. The art endows the artist to a point of total obedience to the art. I am a StreetJelly performer.

With a box of decongestant in one hand and a package of Kleenex in the other, I set up the webcam. While plugging in the microphone and adjusting levels, I stop by the mirror to make sure my mustache is free and clear. Finally, I take one last moment to survey the degree of my sinus headache. Deciding it was Ibuprofen worthy, I have a pill and a glass of water and push the broadcast button.

But, be cautious my StreetJelly Friends, a sinus problem can make your singing life miserable. Conditions like allergies and sinus infections cause the tissue in the throat and larynx to swell. This condition will eventually lead to hoarseness. If severe symptoms are present, it is time for a medical professional. Treating with mild antihistamines and / or decongestant can help. You made need to use anti-drying medications with an antihistamine, such as Entex. Hydrating medications may also help to combat dry atmospheric conditions. Please don’t abuse your throat. Constant misuse of the Larynx may cause laryngitis short term and polyps long term. Just take care of yourselves, tips are waiting to be had. No worries, is not going anywhere.

For some more information you could consult this article.

Just like Old Frankie Blue-eyes and the guys at the Lucky Strike, the show will go on. Be safe and be Super Great.

Posted under: Guest Blogs, Random Thoughts

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  • Also, viewers feel safe, there is to date o evidence of getting germs from the snifflers online. No matter what anti virus software you use.

  • Thanks for the advice (and compliments), sir!
    I’m still sick… going on 2 weeks. But it didn’t stop me from rocking an open mic last night! Although my sound was more colorful than usual, thanks to all the dextromethorphan in my system. lol!

    See you on the street!

  • Pat Marr on December 1, 2013 at 10:14 am said:

    ha ha..
    the line about checking your mustash before starting the broadcast made me laugh. You ain’t right, dude. (in NC that’s a compliment)

    On a more serious note, your faithful contribution to the SJ community inspires me. There are lots of ways to pursue music, and I admit that yours is different than mine. I just can’t do what you do for a variety of reasons.

    But you inspire me to do what *I* do more often. Hopefully in the near future I’ll have the time to contribute more. In the meantime I’ll log in after work every night to see what Clifty is going to come up with next.