StreetJelly BLOG: Community News, Video Streaming, Online Busking, and more…

Year One in the Books

Happy First Year Anniversary, StreetJelly!

Jellypalooza Cake…and what a year it has been. is a year old now.  We’ve come a long way from our “opening night,” learned a lot, made a ton of new friends, and mostly importantly had a whole lot of fun watching live music on webcam from phenomenal musicians.  Here are some quick stats from our first year:

  • 26,000 visitors came to the site 95,000 times
  • ½ million page hits
  • 250,000 minutes of streaming video, 4,200 hours
  • 5,900 musicial performances
  • 700 musicians joined StreetJelly
  • 81,095 tokens tipped to musicians, $13,000.

Timeline Highlights

August 15th, 2012 – web site launched.

August 17th, 2012 – First performance by Teo_Doro.

The First Two Weeks – The following famous SJ musicians found and joined the site: JerseyJB (day 5), MountainMelodies (day 7), Miea (day 9).

Big Deal Rocker PinDecember 26th, 2012 – First Big Deal rocker pin (500 tokens) tipped to Image and Family.  It’s an exclusive club – just ask Clifty, or Merv!

New Year’s Eve 2012 – Rang in the New Year with live performances and Auld Lang Syne for each five U.S. time zones.

February 2013bumS_lie completes 100 Midnight Shows in a row.

February 26-28, 2013 – StreetJelly participates and sponsors the first Virtual Music Conference hosted by IndieConnect in Nashville, TN.Marriage Proposal Jelly Style

April 6th, 2013Merv proposes marriage to Amanda live during their show.  Very sneaky, Amanda was totally surprised.  Watch the YouTube video.

April 13th, 2013 – First StreetJelly Meetup in Nashville, TN to celebrate the Flyer Contest, draw the contest winners, and meet local Jelly Musicians in person.
King Haggis
April 27th, 2013 – The Haggis Challenge, ’nuff said.

April 30th, 2013 – 100 Song music marathon by JerseyJB.  514 minutes, 8½ hours of continuous jamming by one musician on The Jelly!  Jersey wasn’t seen for days after that.

June 2013 – Radio advertising campaign blitz in Nashville market. (Buy me a beer sometime and I’ll tell you how that went.  Oy!  ~frankie)

July 2013 – StreetJelly’s first Singer Songwriter Contest.  62 entries, 10 Semi-finalists, Second Place Winner: Third Prong, First Place: Scott ThomasClifty Play Behind Back

August 3rd, 2013Clifton Printy performs his 450th broadcast.

August 17th, 2013Scott Thomas gets married and performs as the band for his own wedding …and streams live on StreetJelly!

August 18th, 2013 – Jellypalooza Online Music Festival!  StreetJelly celebrates its one-year anniversary with the first ever truly Online Live Streaming Music Festival.  12 hours straight of continuous multiple streaming musicians.  All the great Jelly Fish were there performing: Jayro, Maestro, Damian, Ben, Mountain Melodies, Life and Times, Image and Family, Clifty, Kurt, Jersey, and many more.  The wonderful Jelly Musicians also secretly conspired to present Frank Podlaha, a.k.a. Frankie, founder of StreetJelly, with a commemorative plaque.

StreetJelly One Year Anniversay

“What a year it has been!  We could never have imagined how successful, and how much fun StreetJelly has become.  And thank you to ALL the folks that helped so hard in making this the best live streaming music site on the ‘net!”  ~frankie

Posted under: News and Press, Random Thoughts

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